Questions for the Evil Super Villain

10 Apr

aMttM-aGttSE_finalThe Evil League has been busy lately, what with the capture of one of the editors and thwarting the plan’s of that Upstart Mik Murdoch and his so called hero friends. Luckily they have Alex The Evil 486 Beowulf Cluster that can deal with a lot of it.

Along with all of that going on, they have requested that we ask you, the super Villain Authors to answer a few questions about yourself so that we can let the public (who apparently want to know) a little more about you, before the book comes out.

With that in mind, we present the following video with the questions.

Just a quick Correction. The video says the release date is July 1 2013, it is actually June 1 2013. I am sure Mike and I will pay for that mistake, but really that is great news. That means pre-release copies will Most likely be available for Balticon.

I have been told that not having these questions anywhere but in the video was just a little too evil, so here are the interview questions. But really watch the video it is much more fun than reading the questions.

Remember to keep your answers clean as there are kids in the audience.

      1. When you go out for dinner and you order filet mignon how do you pronounce the second word. Does it sound French or could you be talking about a nicely cooked slice of one of your Henchmen?
      2. If you could have an evil lair any where in the world, without worrying about those pesky super heroes, where would it be and why?
      3. When building the “death traps” around your home, do you want to do be actual Death traps or just Wow that really really hurts a lot traps? Why?
      4. As an evil mad scientist / ruler of… What is your biggest fear? Does it involve the laser beam wearing shark in your “fish tank?”
      5. What is your favorite way to torture/torment your nemesis when you capture him/her?
      6. What are the defining characteristics you look for in a minion?
      7. How did you originally get into Evil Science? (for those who don’t mention it in their article)
      8. Do you consider yourself to be a Super villain, Mad Scientist or something else and why?
      9. What is your favorite mode of transportation?
      10. Coke or Pepsi?
      11 What is your favorite evil application or product?

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Posted by on April 10, 2013 in 486 Beowulf cluster, books, editing, Writing


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